Wanting to attract bluebirds to your yard? This illustrated pintable guide (trifold) teaches you things that attract bluebirds, but also things that won’t attract them.
These tips for attracting bluebirds are well-established by bluebird experts and longtime bluebird landlords.
Download your guide, and keep it handy. Try one or all of the things on the list of what does attract bluebirds, and do your best to eliminate the things that won’t attract bluebirds.
Once downloaded, you can print and fold into a little trifold brochure.
NOTE: If you live in a city or densely populated area, you may have an extremely difficult time getting bluebirds. If you’re still wanting to work with bluebirds but do not live in an area that accommodates them, you can contact your local bluebird society and ask about mentorship programs. Through these efforts, you can work with a trail monitor who manages multiple boxes, learn as you go and have a great opportunity to work with bluebirds in that way.