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Native Songbird

Because backyard birding
is about more than feeding birds.

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Coloring Book

Check Out the Educational Coloring Book

Check Out the Educational Coloring Book

More than just a coloring book!
This 90 page guide has 40 spreads with illustrations on one side to color in and detailed information on the other side to equip you to successfully host bluebirds.

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Noel Guard and snake - do noel guards prevent snakes from nest boxes

Will Noel Guards Prevent Snakes?

If you're starting out with bluebirds, chickadees and tree swallows, you may have also investigated different ways to protect your nesting birds from predators, and in learning about different predator guards, you might wonder if a Noel Guard would be useful against snakes. This is ...
Rat snake and bluebird on preventing snakes from eating bluebirds

How to Stop Snakes from Eating Bluebirds and Eggs?

A really difficult thing we encounter as bluebird hosts is after discovering a pair of bluebirds building a nest, and even finding eggs in the nest, suddenly the eggs or nestlings are missing! The first question that crosses our mind is what happened? Did someone ...
Get cardinals to nest in your yard - male northern cardinal in a tree

11 Tips to Get Cardinals to Nest In Your Yard

Cardinals are one of the most iconic birds in North America, especially east of the Rockies. Their sound, striking color and the fact that they’re a frequent residential visitor has gained our affection over the decades. As your love for northern cardinals has grown, you ...
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chickadee resource hub link. Picture of a chickadee perched with bug in its mouth.
American goldfinch pair, male and female at summer time

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We’re not your average bird site!

Conservation above profit!

Caring for native birds takes more than putting out any old seed.

Nest Hollow provides resources and supplies for native songbird conservation. We strive to empower bird lovers to easily learn more and become better equipped to help our birds thrive.