You can prevent squirrels and raccoons from damaging your smart bird feeder by properly mounting it away from trees and other surfaces and installing a stovepipe baffle. Additionally, there are a few other steps you can take to prevent squirrel damage.
Nest Hollow
11 Tips to Get Cardinals to Nest In Your Yard
There are several things you can do to encourage cardinals to nest in your yard. Providing fresh water, food, plants for nesting sites and avoiding things that don’t work like birdhouses are just a few ways to encourage northern cardinals to nest near you.
Ultimate Bird Lover’s Gift Guide – 25 Truly Best Gifts & What to AVOID
The bigger the bird lover, or the more expert a person is, the harder it is to find a good gift. Decorative birdhouses and feeders won’t cut it. Plants birds love, motion cameras and bird-themed journals are some examples of many creative, useful gifts for your expert bird lover.
Do You Clean Your Bluebird House After the Babies Fledge?
The standard practice is to always clean your bluebird house after the babies fledge . However, the amount of cleaning required differs depending on the situation, and why you should clean it is also important to consider.
Best Predator Guard for Bluebird Houses and Nest Boxes
The best predator guard for a bluebird house or nest box that is commercially available is a stovepipe baffle that is at least 8 by 24 inches. However, making your own, taller baffle will offer your bluebirds substantially more protection.
How to Euthanize House Sparrows After Trapping
For US conservation purposes, you should euthanize house sparrows to prevent them from harming native wildlife. House sparrows should never be relocated. Humane methods of dispatch include cervical dislocation, using a pellet gun, CO2 and the blow method.
2022 Avian Flu Wild Bird Species Infection Count
The 2022 Avian Flu is affecting wild and domestic fowl more than wild songbirds. These tables display Avian Flu infection counts in wild birds by species and by state. Wild bird species infection counts are listed in alphabetical order.
Eurasian Tree Sparrows Are Aggressive Toward Native Birds: Observations and Info
There is another nonnative sparrow in North America that is less familiar to us. This is the Eurasian tree sparrow, a cousin of the invasive and highly aggressive house sparrow.
16 Ways to Help Birds Survive Harsh Winters
Days of freezing temperatures can devastate bird populations. During the winter of 2020, several trail monitors reported that they had discovered frozen birds after having days of below freezing weather. …
Eurasian Tree Sparrows vs. the House Sparrow’s – Nonnative Twins
If you live in certain areas in the US, particularly St. Louis, MO, you didn’t see two male house sparrows in your birdhouse, you saw its invasive cousin, the Eurasian tree sparrow. There are distinct features such as a dot on the cheek and a full chestnut colored cap that can help you tell the difference. And both male and females have the same patterns.