Because house sparrows pin birds down while attacking in a nest box, two-holed bluebird nest boxes don’t always allow escape. A second hole may make it easier for predators to invade. But there are other advantages to these boxes such as ventilation, light availability, and feeding efficiency.
Nest Hollow
How to Protect Bluebird Nest Boxes from Cats: One Predator Guard is not Enough.
The best way to protect bluebird nest boxes from cats is to properly mount the nest box on a pole with a stovepipe baffle, and pair that with a Noel guard. Keep in mind, however, Noel Guards can conflict with wren guards.
Is Feeder Fresh Safe for Birds? The Science, Concerns and More
Feeder FreshTM is amorphous silicon dioxide, a material approved by the FDA as a food additive for anticaking. While it is considered nontoxic to humans, there is not enough testing in birds to determine whether it’s safe, and there are concerns over its use.
Squirrel-Proofing your Smart Bird Feeder: The Why and How
You can prevent squirrels and raccoons from damaging your smart bird feeder by properly mounting it away from trees and other surfaces and installing a stovepipe baffle. Additionally, there are a few other steps you can take to prevent squirrel damage.
Attracting Bluebirds Printable Guide: What Works, What Doesn’t
Wanting to attract bluebirds to your yard? This illustrated pintable guide (trifold) teaches you things that attract bluebirds, but also things that won’t attract them. These tips for attracting bluebirds …
2025 Bird Flu and Songbirds Infosheet
This shareable info sheet has quick visual information about the current situation regarding bird flu in North America. The visual shows what types of birds have been most affected by …
Goldfinch Care Guide – Printable Booklet
Goldfinches are really special birds. So it’s important to really take care of them if we’re hosting them in our backyards. This quick-read booklet will take you through what to …
11 Tips to Get Cardinals to Nest In Your Yard
There are several things you can do to encourage cardinals to nest in your yard. Providing fresh water, food, plants for nesting sites and avoiding things that don’t work like birdhouses are just a few ways to encourage northern cardinals to nest near you.
Ultimate Bird Lover’s Gift Guide – 25 Truly Best Gifts & What to AVOID
The bigger the bird lover, or the more expert a person is, the harder it is to find a good gift. Decorative birdhouses and feeders won’t cut it. Plants birds love, motion cameras and bird-themed journals are some examples of many creative, useful gifts for your expert bird lover.
Do You Clean Your Bluebird House After the Babies Fledge?
The standard practice is to always clean your bluebird house after the babies fledge . However, the amount of cleaning required differs depending on the situation, and why you should clean it is also important to consider.