Birdbaths, running water and heaters (for the winter) are one of the best ways to attract native songbirds to your yard. Water is absolutely essential for backyard birds. And it’s not only for hydration. On extremely hot days, cooling down brings immediate relief to birds.
Fun Fact: On hot days, brooding mother birds will flutter around in a birdbath to cool down and help bring up the humidity in the nest box.
We provide a selection of birdbaths, heated bird baths, fountains and water wigglers and external heaters to keep bird baths from freezing in the winter.
Birdbath De-Icers – Keeps Water from Icing Over
Bird Bath De-Icer: 150 Watt$58.00
Birdbath Fountains and Water Wigglers
If you’re having trouble attracting certain birds to your yard, moving water can really make a difference. Birds are especially attracted to running water. Therefore, fountains and water wigglers are a great way to entice birds.
Furthermore, running water can prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. Believe it or not, despite many birds being insectivores, mosquitoes can wreak havoc on birds, especially incubating mother birds who cannot escape the nest.