Category: General Information

best gifts for bird lovers - ultimate gift guide cardinal with presents and text

Ultimate Bird Lover’s Gift Guide – 25 Truly Best Gifts & What to AVOID

The bigger the bird lover, or the more expert a person is, the harder it is to find a good gift. Decorative birdhouses and feeders won’t cut it. Plants birds love, motion cameras and bird-themed journals are some examples of many creative, useful gifts for your expert bird lover.

Fireworks and birds what to expect if you have nesting bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadees or other cavity birds and fireworks are going off

Fireworks and Nesting Birds – 5 Things That Can Happen and What to Expect

When it comes to fireworks and nesting birds, one of five scenarios can happen: the mother stays with her babies, the mother abandons the nest for the night but returns the next day, the mother leaves and doesn’t return, both parents do not return, or the nestlings flee the nest too early.