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Robin’s Nesting Shelf


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SKU: SP7H Category:


Protect robins and other birds from the elements

Birds such as robins and eastern phoebes build nests on platforms in the open. Sometimes, these platforms aren’t ideal spots when a brutal spring storm rolls in. The poor mother bird huddles in her nest, trying to keep herself, eggs or nestlings warm and dry. It’s no easy task, and yet she powers through it.

With a hooded nesting shelf, you minimize the impact of weather, providing shelter from rain, wind and sun.


Momma birds will return year after year

If the mother bird had a successful brood and found the location decent, she will most likely build her nest in the same location again. Keep her coming back by offering her a wonderful sanctuary as she takes care of her baby birds.


Choose from a variety of mounting locations

You can mount this shelf to the side of your house or on a fence post. However, something to consider when mounting anything for nesting birds is predation. Raccoons, cats, possums and snakes, for example will raid nests for nestlings and eggs.

Cylinder baffles (stove pipe style) are one way to protect nests. Another way to protect nests during nesting season is not to put out food during this time.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs
Dimensions 7.75 × 8.5 × 13.25 in