Tag: BBlifecycle

bluebird eggs in nest - when do bluebirds lay eggs

When Do Bluebirds Lay Eggs

Seasonally, bluebirds eggs in April and May (possibly in March for southern states). After the nest is complete, a bluebird may begin laying immediately or after a “bluebird honeymoon.” She will usually lay one egg per day, often in the mornings. Therefore, it is important to consider these things and more when monitoring or hosting your bluebirds.

How to help migrating eastern bluebirds

Eastern Bluebird Migration Plus 4 Ways To Help

Eastern bluebirds are considered partial migrators. Depending on the area of residence, individual bluebirds will likely reside in their location year-round. However flocks may migrate for better resources such as mating ability, food, roosting shelter or to escape the cold.