It is best to point your bluebird nest box entry hole in the opposite direction of prevailing winds, usually southeast. However, prevailing winds differ based on your region. Scholarly evidence also suggests birds have no preference and may excavate a hole in other directions due to sun, shade or acoustics.
Easy Guide To Make a Temporary Chickadee Hole Reducer / Guard To Buy You Time
You’ve noticed chickadees nesting in your nest box, but oh no! You don’t have a hole reducer / hole guard for them. Maybe the store is closed, or you have …
How to Install a Blink Camera in a Nest Box or Birdhouse
Installing a blink camera into your nest box is as easy as screwing the mount into the birdhouse and then clipping the camera onto the mount. Additionally, you’ll want to use the Live View mode of the app to position the camera, and be sure to have the necessary supplies on hand.
How Far Apart to Put Chickadee Houses – For 5 chickadee species
Space black-capped chickadee houses 650 feet apart, boreal chickadee houses 730 feet apart, Carolina chickadee houses 30 feet apart, chestnut-backed chickadee houses 160 feet apart, and mountain chickadee houses 1 per 10 acres.
It’s Not Too Late to Set Up A Bluebird House
Even in late spring or early summer, it’s not too late to set up a bluebird house. Spending on the species, bluebirds have multiple broods a year between March and August. Furthermore, nest boxes give bluebirds an important roosting haven at winter time.
The Best Ways To Monitor Your Birdhouse or Nest Box
The best way to monitor your birdhouse with next to no disturbance is with a wireless nest camera as they give you full view of the nest without needing to open the box.
Songbird Eggs May Survive Short Periods of Freezing Weather – Here is Why
There are many systems in place that ensure the survival of bird eggs survival during short snaps of freezing weather. These systems include the mother bird’s ability to detect egg temperature with her brood patch, the ability for older embryos to produce heat, and the insulative nature of the nest.
Best Baffle System for Your Birdhouse: Stovepipe Baffles
Our experience has shown that stovepipe baffles at least 8 inches by 24 inches or longer is the best at protecting your birdhouse. Taller baffles at 60 inches offer great protection. But it is important to understand why and know about other protective accessories.
Monofilament Line Kind of Deters Sparrows – Observations Included
In our experience observing multiple nest boxes, monofilament won’t keep sparrows from harassing the nest; however, there is still some reasons to use it.
Installing Monofilament On Your Birdhouse: Easy 5-steps with pictures
When installing monofilament line on your birdhouse, the most important thing is to place to vertical strings running down the front of your box just ⅛ of an inch from either side of the entrance hole.