Category: Sparrow Control

house sparrow nests

House Sparrow Nests

House sparrow nests are usually found in nest boxes or other types of cavities and are constructed using various nesting materials such as straw, grass, feathers, litter and fiber. Other characteristics of a house sparrow nest are its size and tunneling architecture.

how to euthanize house sparrows - humane methods to euthanize house sparrows and unacceptable ways to dispatch house sparrows

How to Euthanize House Sparrows After Trapping

For US conservation purposes, you should euthanize house sparrows to prevent them from harming native wildlife. House sparrows should never be relocated. Humane methods of dispatch include cervical dislocation, using a pellet gun, CO2 and the blow method.

Illustrated chart to differentiate house sparrows from eurasian tree sparrows - both are invasive species, but the are different. Look close at this chart, and you can learn how to tell the difference using indicators such as differences in their caps, cheek and the presence of a beard or bib.

Eurasian Tree Sparrows vs. the House Sparrow’s – Nonnative Twins

If you live in certain areas in the US, particularly St. Louis, MO, you didn’t see two male house sparrows in your birdhouse, you saw its invasive cousin, the Eurasian tree sparrow. There are distinct features such as a dot on the cheek and a full chestnut colored cap that can help you tell the difference. And both male and females have the same patterns.