Tag: BBImportant

house finch and a bluebird for article about whether house finches are a threat to bluebirds

Are House Finches a Threat to Bluebirds? Surprising Answers

House finches are not a direct threat to bluebirds. They are not known for attacking bluebirds or invading nest boxes. However, there might be an indirect risk that house finches pose when it comes to bluebirds, and that involves the transmission of a common bacterium found in house finches.

Fireworks and birds what to expect if you have nesting bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadees or other cavity birds and fireworks are going off

Fireworks and Nesting Birds – 5 Things That Can Happen and What to Expect

When it comes to fireworks and nesting birds, one of five scenarios can happen: the mother stays with her babies, the mother abandons the nest for the night but returns the next day, the mother leaves and doesn’t return, both parents do not return, or the nestlings flee the nest too early.

how to keep peace between bluebirds and house wrens - image of a bluebird and house wren facing off as if in the wild west an analogy of what it is like to be a native bird conservationist

8 Ultimate Tips for Keeping Peace Between Bluebirds and House Wrens This Nesting Season

If you have a house wren going near your bluebird or chickadee nest box, the first step you can take is to add a second nest box, after that optimizing nest box location, adding a wren guard, keeping the wren busy will help keep the peace between bluebirds and house wrens.