Whether you’re wanting to attract certain birds such as goldfinches, cardinals or bluebirds, or you’re trying to stop squirrels, starlings and house sparrows from hoarding your feeders, there are several solutions. Choosing the right feeder, for instance can solve a lot of problems. And choosing the right food can also deter undesirable animals at your feeder.

We want to guide you in choosing the right feeder. Scroll to discover finch feeders, suet feeders, squirrel resistant feeders, platform feeders and more.

Furthermore, we explain the purpose and benefits of each type of feeder.

Window Feeders

Get up close with your birds by putting up a window feeder. We have a few hand-selected window feeders that use a suction cup.

Additionally, 2-way mirror film allow you to view the birds without them seeing you and getting scared away. We offer a combination pack that allows you to select your preferred feeder along with the 2-way film. You can also purchase additional film with it.

Platform (Flat) Bird Feeders

Platform style bird feeders are set up as shallow-like boxes that allow you to put out a lot of seed and allow several birds at a time to gather and feast.

These types of bird feeders have amazing visibility allowing you to see several different birds at any given time.

If you put out the right seed, you’ll see chickadees, titmice, finches, cardinals, house wrens, norther flickers and so many more.

One of the downsides to platform feeders is that they are more accessible to feeder hogs such as squirrels, and invasive house sparrows and starlings.

Ways to minimize feeder hog situations is to put out species-specific seed. Sometimes squirrels are impossible to prevent, but if you are an avid feeder, this should not be a problem, especially if you have other bird feeder setups in your yard.

Suet Bird Feeders

Cavity Bird Feeders / Mealworm Feeders (Entry Hole)

Cavity bird feeders or mealworm feeders are covered bird feeders, with view windows and entry holes.

These types of bird feeders are made specifically so that only cavity birds such as bluebirds, chickadees and titmice can access them, while keeping squirrels out (for the most part).

You can solely use these feeders for mealworm, or you can add other seed that these birds love in order to give them an undisturbed feeding sanctuary.

Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeders

Finch Feeders

Bluebird Feeders

Blue Jay Feeders

Hummingbird / Insect Feeders